
Let’s skip the boring formalities, shall we? If we’re gonna be friends there’s a few key things you should know about me:

My life is like a super chaotic Hallmark movie, but without the weird love triangle drama. My husband and I live in his hometown of 1,000 people, where we own and operate a small grocery store and meat locker. We met in this same town at one of the tiny bars on the main drag back in 2019 while he was bartending. He’s a volunteer firefighter and EMT, and I spend a lot of my free time volunteering with various local organizations. See the Hallmark movie correlation yet?

I got married in 2022, much like half the other people on your Facebook newsfeed. Good news for you, though, as I can relate pretty personal with my couples!

I am a morning person. So yes, I will be bringing allll the energy when I show up to your bridal suite at 10am. However, I will likely need a Diet Coke or Pepsi during your reception to keep up with all the dance floor fun (dancing emoji).

I film weddings because I believe in the importance of capturing these precious, blink-of-an-eye moments so you can press pause on them forever.


Nice to meet you! i'm

let's be friends


Vivamus commodo eget massa mollis porttitor. Mauris vulputate tortor feugiat metus molestie porta ut in nisl. Etiam vel justo vitae est faucibus ultrices vel elementum risus. Pellentesque gravida, mi quis posuere molestie, nisi tellus fringilla mi, sit amet finibus est sem at diam. Sed non vitae dolor egestas.

"It's red lipstick bold, classic to the core, romantic at heart, and effortless, button-down-shirt sexy."

It's Amaretto Sour. Lorem Ipsum sectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae faucibus lorem, id iaculis nulla. Aenean convallis cursus quam dictum semper. Aliquam rutrum tellus interdum elit lacinia dignissim. Praesent posuere arcu in tristique posuere. Sed purus dolor, ultrices vel ante consectetur, malesuada.

Current Favs:

TV Show: Law & Order SVU 
I love binging old seasons but I will never miss an L&O Thursday 

Snack: Cereal
Any kind really, but the more sugar-y the better

Drink: Good & Gather Coconut Pineapple Sparkling Water
When I tell you it tastes like summer in a can...

(oh yeah, and that guy with me is my husband Marshall)

fun fact:
I've been an early bird for as long as I can remember. I love a good early morning Peloton class, and the benefit of that is it being reasonable to be in bed at 8:30pm. 

Also, I feel like I am  naturally more productive before the sun (and other people) is/are up!

Follow along on Instagram to see more love, and a little bit of me too!

